Welcome to Pottzville

the greenest project of solana blockchain

Here in the Grow Room our community thrives on innovation and sustainability. Join us on a journey where ideas grow and flourish. Let’s work together to turn our dreams into reality. Welcome to The Soil!


The Math is Mathin'


100,000,000 $POTTZ

  • Liquidity + Eco: 60%
  • Pollen Wallet (Airdrops/Burns): 11%
  • Marketing Wallet: 5%
  • Buy Back Reserves: 4%
  • Team (Project Devs): 7.5%
  • Flexx Pottznership Fund: 5%
  • Donations: 5% ​
  • Grove Pottznership Fund: 2.5%


Tax: 0%

lp: burned

How to buy $POTTZ

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let’s grow together

Build a strong development team. Design the digital currency & ecosystem. Create website & social medias. Reward early supporters with exclusive pHeadz airdrops.

pHeadz will go public. Community education on crypto safety will begin. Early adopters will receive their airdrops.

pHeadz will list on major exchanges. Launch branded merchandise. Begin DAO voting & discussion. Fund eco-friendly projects via donations. Establish & delegate community charity funds.

Begin launchpad platform. Explore metaverse integration. Infuse new features, introduce/ announce “pHeadz” NFTs & minting date.

how we came to be

Back Story

Dr. Herbert Pottz, an agricultural scientist from Northern Lightz, California, has devoted his life to improving plant growth. After a harsh summer destroyed most harvests, Dr. Pottz found a single seed that survived the conditions. He planted it, and despite the cold winter, it flourished, yielding one beautiful bud. One day, while watering a nearby rose bush, Dr. Pottz accidentally pricked his finger and knocked over the special plant, breaking its pot. As he re-potted it, soil mixed with blood from his wound. To Be Continued...

Welcome to the soil!

We’re looking for MEME makers, GIF generators, & Legendary Citizens ready to grow their bags!